As my father lays quietly while poison
Drips into his blood to kill the
Other poison taking over his brain,
His personality, his being
A Chaplin enters and comments how
Such an experience can test one's faith.
Faith? Faith in god? Faith in life?
I do not question why this horror is
Happening, but rather what we are doing
About it.
I do not wonder why god, if he or she exists,
Has allowed such pain to exist.
I question how to love enough that my father
Does not fear his own existence.
I know about faith, for I believed in the concept
From a very young age.
But I no longer hold onto this concept
As a means to control my psychological situation.
I don't have time to feel pity,
For there is a man who has worked
Tirelessly so I can live a "good life" in need of my care.
Faith does not help me,
"Being present" for those in need
Makes an undesirable situation bearable.
I am not knocking those who look at life
Through a lens of faith.
It just is not how
I look at life.
So if you come into the room and see me
Sitting next to my sleeping father, do not
Project your Life's lens onto me;
Instead, listen or leave.