Monday, January 28, 2013

Days Past

(This was written quite awhile ago. I revised a few lines.)

He slowly kissed her perked lips
As his hungry hand climbed up her thigh
Lustful moans for her and
Pleas not to be returned to reality
Were released from his chest.

Hovering between temptation and actuality,
She watched as the clock’s hands turned
The sun began its descent, her desire for his
Delicious lips increased
Time’s limit pushed farther back.
If only the hourglass would cease to sift and
We remained in this moment of melody—
He sang in her ear as his passion grabbed her close,
Heat overtaking her entirety like the wail of Coltrane’s sax.

Soon after they departed, hearts filled with lost time
Unable to live life truly relaxed

Since exposed to his musical mixture of blues and jazz,
She spent days between then and now to build
Immunity to his harmony
Riding her mind of his symphony
Until he stepped on stage again
This time exposed to his songs

One day after work she invited him up to her place,
Together they shared thoughts about music, politics, and race
He stretched his arm across the couch nervously contemplating his endeavor
Abruptly jumping up
Unaware of how to
Slow down the pulse moving like danger.
She touched his skin, he slowly moved in
This just can’t end, she breathed in him.

Three days pass.
Their conversation went as smooth as Roy Ayers’ voice,
So her hopeful heart naïve to unexpected sores
Shared her magnetism to their fever,
To the tranquility of his being.
Silence loomed
Until he released a sigh of disillusionment:
I can’t…Her and I have a history and…

Words penetrate painfully
Causing the stage she had designed
The light inside her eye to
Leaving only the desirous wails of the horn section
Echoing throughout the tunnel of

Love’s whirlwind swept her up
Dropped her outside the Friday night venue
To find a ticket in
To find a ticket in
She still has yet to find a ticket in

Evaporates from her lips
As she sits listening
To little droplets carrying rhythm—
Rhythm that orchestrates her heart
To beat at unaccustomed paces
Rhythm that makes Cupid’s strums of
Melodic marriage understood
Rhythm that makes truth believable
Rhythm that conquers the hourglass
Rhythm that hibernates in her bones
In her thoughts
In her soul
She cannot stop feeling the rhythm
Wishing it was close like those days past.

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