Monday, February 14, 2011

Cancer Steals

Cancer steals. It is a vicious thief,
Without any remorse.
It strives ferociously for immortality,
To replace life-blood with itself.

Cancer steals. It is a misanthrope,
Uncaring and egotistical.
Detesting  humanity,
Hijacking people’s identity.

Cancer steals. It is Darwinian,
Survival of the fittest,
A sore loser,
Never playing fair.
Evolving faster than medical imagination.

Cancer steals. It blindfolded
My father. It turned my family
Into desperate, feeble witnesses.
Leaving me with the haunting realization:
I could become one of its random victims.

I want cancer to steal my anger,
But it has been cremated.
I want cancer to steal my sadness,
But it has been buried.
If only I understood all that cancer has stolen,
Then maybe I could take life back.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


It is quiet on the moon
Footprints never fade
The crisp blue of the Earth in view
Momentary awe
Life at a distance

No air
Just dust
Surrounded by stars
Darkness amidst its glow

Overcomes the intellect
Meaning unbound

For an instance
I am a rocket ship
For an instance
Experience is redefined